Sidney High Scho

ol was this years winner of our Prom Giveaway. The theme of the prom - Midnight Masquerade. We thoroughly enjoyed working with the students and staff at Sidney High School. The students were eager to learn and help. One of the first things they discovered - working with balloons isn't as easy at is looks.
A first baseman said his coach would never believe his arm was too sore to play ball because he worked with balloons all day. Not to worry, we gave him a break the second half of the day and he was still able to play ball.

We started work on Thursday morning at the school. After a few instructions on how to work our equipment and tie balloons we were ready to go. We inflated and bagged more than 1500 balloons at the school, as well as made the centerpieces for the tables.

Friday morning we transported centerpieces & balloons by a caravan of mini-vans, suvs, and cars to Shelby Oaks Country Club where we inflated even more balloons. The Students were able to assemble most of the pieces themselves with just a bit of instruction. They were able to see how their hard work had paid off.

Saturday morning while the students were getting ready for their big night the staff from Balloon Creations & Gifts, LLC put the finishing touches on their prom. By the end we estimated that we had used over 2000 balloons. At midnight staff came back and what had taken more than a 20 people, 2 and a 1/2 days to make; took just a hand full of people less than an hour to take down.
Balloon Creations & Gifts, LLC staff is wondering who will win our Prom Giveaway for 2010?
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