Balloons tied to a sign or mailbox tell people passing by, "Hey, there something special happening here." A balloon arch on a sidewalk downtown tell people going by, "Hey, there's a new business or something going on over there." But how many people today really have time to stop and find out what is happening?
And have you ever heard a conversation about an arch sighting a few days later? It goes something like this, Mary asks Sue at lunch the next day, "Did you see that arch downtown yesterday?"
Sue replies, "No. I didn't go downtown yesterday. What was it for?"
Mary answers, "I don't really know I didn't have time to stop. Pass the salt, please."
However, if we think a little more creatively we can convey a much more specific message in the time it takes a car to drive by your shop. Say you're opening a dance studio, a giant ballerina sculpture made from balloons out front not only says, "Hey, come and look at me." But also says, "A business associated with dance is over there and something big must be happening. You don't want to miss this."
The conversation then changes. Mary is having lunch with Sue again. She asks, "Did you see that giant ballerina downtown yesterday?"
Sue answers, "I didn't get downtown yesterday, but I saw it on the news. Did you see it?"
Mary replies, "I couldn't miss it. I had Addison with me so we had to stop. Sally's Dance Studio had it out front for there grand opening."
Sue says, "I wish you would have called me. I'd love to seen Addison's face. I know she loves ballerinas."
Mary says, "The next time I see a 10' ballerina I'll be sure to call you right away. I signed Addison up for a class on Tuesdays. You should enroll Colleen."
The waitress, who has just set there lunch in front of them asks, "Did you see that ballerina in front of Sally's?"
"Did everyone see it but me?" Sue asks.
"I didn't get to see it in person," says the waitress, "but it was on the front cover of the local paper today. My little girl now wants to be a ballerina. Decaf or regular?"
A balloon sculpture that draws attention and represents your business is not a decoration. It's a marketing and advertising tool. By it's self it will generate "word of mouth" advertising. Add a few press releases, well placed phone calls, and proper marketing campaign and you could have a media event on your hands.